Expertise to Scale Your Business.


Check Out Our Different Plans.





(Annual plan saves $194!)

  • 2 way text and email conversation

  • GMB messaging

  • web chat

  • reputation management

  • Facebook messenger

  • GMB Call Tracking

  • Missed Call Text Back

  • Text to Pay

  • Calendar

  • CRM

  • Opportunities

30 day free trial period

Monthly Plan Option





(Annual plan saves $394!)

  • 2 way text and email conversation

  • GMB messaging

  • web chat

  • reputation management

  • Facebook messenger

  • GMB Call Tracking

  • Missed Call Text Back

  • Text to Pay

  • Calendar

  • CRM

  • Opportunities

  • social planner

  • Email Marketing

  • Forms

  • Websites

  • Workflows

  • Campaigns

  • Surveys

  • SMS and email templates

30 day free trial period

Monthly Plan Option





(Annual plan saves $594!)

  • 2 way text and email conversation

  • GMB messaging

  • web chat

  • reputation management

  • Facebook messenger

  • GMB Call Tracking

  • Missed Call Text Back

  • Text to Pay

  • Calendar

  • CRM

  • Opportunities

  • social planner

  • Email Marketing

  • Forms

  • Websites

  • Workflows

  • Campaigns

  • Surveys

  • SMS and email templates

  • All reporting

  • Triggers

  • Campaigns

  • Social Planners

  • Invoices

  • Blogs

  • Affiliate Manager

30 day free trial period

Monthly Plan Option

Hands On Support

Looking for support to set up your software? Our leading expert Matthew Murray and specialized team are here to help you along the way.

Tailored Onboarding

Get set up for success with guidance from a dedicated onboarding specialist. Your customized onboarding plan will help you get up to speed with Murray Marketing's software in no time.

The Portal CRM is

now partnering with PCYP

Are you a PCYP member?

Learn About Our Different Plans From Our

Leading Expert Matthew Murray

Learn About Our Different Plans From Our Leading Expert Matthew Murray

Need Help Choosing A Plan?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a CRM and why do I need it?

A CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a comprehensive system that businesses use to manage interactions and relationships with current and potential customers. It involves the use of technology to organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support processes. The core purpose of a CRM system is to enhance customer satisfaction, streamline business operations, and drive revenue growth by fostering stronger and more personalized relationships with customers.

A CRM system is a valuable tool for businesses looking to build and maintain strong, long-lasting relationships with their customers. It streamlines processes, provides actionable insights, and contributes to overall business growth and success.

How does a CRM benefit my business?

A CRM system provides multiple benefits for businesses:

Efficiency and Automation: Streamlines processes, saving time and improving overall efficiency through automation features.

Personalized Engagement: Enables personalized interactions with customers based on their preferences and history.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Utilizes analytics for informed decision-making and continuous improvement.

Multi-Channel Integration: Integrates seamlessly with various communication channels for a unified customer experience.

Scalability: Adapts to business growth and evolving customer needs.

Customer Retention: Enhances customer service, leading to higher satisfaction and increased customer retention.

In conclusion, a CRM system can significantly benefit your business by providing a centralized, efficient, and personalized approach to managing website FAQs. It enhances customer service, enables data-driven improvements, and contributes to overall customer satisfaction and retention.

How user friendly is the CRM?

The CRM is renowned for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. The platform boasts an intuitive design, streamlined navigation, and customizable dashboards, ensuring that our clients can easily navigate and utilize its powerful features.

We understand the importance of providing hands-on support to our clients. From the moment they embark on their CRM journey, our dedicated support team is readily available.

Our commitment to client success includes:

Onboarding Assistance: Clients receive assistance during the onboarding process, ensuring a smooth setup and a quick transition into using the CRM effectively.

Live Training Sessions: We offer live training sessions where clients can interact with our team, ask questions, and gain practical insights into maximizing the CRM's potential.

Responsive Customer Support: Our customer support team is responsive and available via multiple channels, including email, chat, and phone. This ensures timely resolution of any inquiries or challenges clients may encounter.

Proactive Communication: We believe in proactive communication. Our team regularly reaches out to clients with updates, tips for optimization, and to address any concerns, fostering a collaborative and supportive relationship.

In summary, the CRM offers a user-friendly experience, coupled with hands-on support from our dedicated team. We are committed to empowering our clients throughout their CRM journey, providing the tools and assistance needed for success.

Is Go High Level suitable for my industry/business type?

Whether Go High Level is suitable for your specific industry or business type depends on various factors such as your unique needs, goals, and the nature of your operations. While the platform offers a wide range of features that can benefit many industries, including marketing agencies, service-based businesses, and entrepreneurs, the suitability ultimately hinges on the specific requirements of your organization. To determine the best fit and explore how Go High Level can address your particular challenges and objectives, it's highly advisable to reach out to one of our knowledgeable sales representatives. They can provide personalized insights, assess your needs comprehensively, and guide you through the platform's capabilities, helping you make an informed decision about whether investing in Go High Level is the right choice for your business.

Can I try the CRM before committing to a subscription?

The CRM offers an extensive 30-day free trial period for users who wish to explore the platform before making a subscription commitment. During this trial period, you will not only have the opportunity to experience the features and functionalities firsthand, but you'll also receive hands-on support from our dedicated team. Our experts are available to guide you through the platform, answer any questions, and ensure you make the most out of your trial experience.

To initiate your 30-day free trial with personalized support, you can sign up at any of the links above. Whether you're a seasoned user or new to CRM solutions, our team is committed to assisting you every step of the way. We encourage you to take advantage of this trial period to thoroughly explore the capabilities of the CRM to determine if it's the ideal CRM solution for your business.

What Happens If I Want to Cancel?

You can cancel your subscription at any time.

If you decide to cancel your CRM subscription, the process is convenient and varies based on your subscription duration. For users with a year-long subscription, please note that you have the flexibility to cancel at any time during the subscription period.

To initiate the cancellation process, log in to your account and navigate to the billing or account settings section. Follow the provided prompts to manage your subscription or cancel your account. For year-long subscriptions, it's important to be aware that the cancellation will take effect at the end of the subscription term. You will retain access to Go High Level features and services until the conclusion of the prepaid year. After this period, your account will be deactivated, and you won't be billed for any subsequent periods.

If you have specific questions or need assistance regarding the cancellation of a subscription, feel free to reach out to Heather at Heather is available to provide guidance, answer questions, and ensure a smooth process for your cancellation.

Regardless of your subscription duration, your data will be securely stored for a specified duration, allowing you the option to re-subscribe in the future without losing your historical information. We understand that circumstances may change, and our team is here to support you through the process.

Still have questions about how Murray Marketing can help you scale and grow your business?

Give Us a Call Today

Need help choosing a plan?

(910) 370-7292

Mon - Sat: 9:00am - 8:00pm

Sunday - CLOSED

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